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We provide a complete range of drilling services for geotechnical exploration including hollow stem auger, rotary wash and rotary mud, split spoon sampling, Shelby tube sampling and rock coring.  We also provide Geoprobe® sampling for environmental portions of projects.  We utilize track mounted equipment for tight access, slopes and soft ground conditions; truck mounted drill rigs for large scale projects.  Our services include boring layout and grade determination to provide necessary information for meaningful and timely design and construction recommendations.




Geotechnical Drilling & Sampling

Typical projects include characterization of soils and groundwater conditions on sites for mass earthwork development; residential and commercial construction; infrastructure including bridges, railroads, walls, underpasses, below grade structures, utilities, MSE embankments; bike paths, pedestrian bridges, tunnels; towers, storage silos etc.

Pavement Coring

Equipped with core rigs and appurtenant materials to obtain bituminous or concrete pavement core samples, base materials and subgrade sampling including Dynamic Cone Penetrometer and Static Cone Penetrometer for subgrade evaluation to a depth of 2 to 5 feet.


Drone Survey & Analysis

FAA Licensed drone pilots conduct site and project surveillance, prior , during and after construction.  Site reconnaissance, survey and forensic slope failure applications.


Pavement Evaluation

Results of coring program is summarized to include core logs, coefficient analysis and images to provide options for pavement rehabilitation.  Pavement rehabilitation options as guided by ARRA including drainage improvements, subgrade stabilization, cold planning, lot in place recycling, full depth reclamation, patch and maintenance.

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Permeability Testing

Determine in-situ hydraulic conductivity of soils to provide data for design and construction of infiltration basins, drywell structures, rain gardens, etc.  Double ring infiltrometer, falling head well tests.


Corrosion Testing

Field and lab testing including engineering properties and Wenner Soil Resistivity for ground restistance design.

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© 2021 by Midland Standard Engineering & Testing, Inc.

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