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Laboratory Testing is conducted in our South Elgin facility. The laboratory is operated by a full time, NICET Certified Manager which is inspected annually and approved to conduct testing for Illinois Department of Transportation, District One projects. The facility is inspected and accredited by AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory for Soils, Hot Mix Asphalt and Aggregate testing and CCRL for Concrete.




Geotechnical Laboratory

We maintain a full service, AMRL Accredited Soils Laboratory to support our geotechnical exploration and analysis services, and available for subcontracted services as needed for your project. Contact us and request a Geotechnical Laboratory - Schedule of Services and Fees.

Construction Materials Testing

We maintain an AMRL and CCRL Accredited Aggregate, Hot Mix and Concrete Laboratory to support our Quality Assurance and Quality Control services. Our laboratory is available for subcontracted services as needed for your project. Go to our Contact page and request a Construction Materials Laboratory Testing - Schedule of Services and Fees.


Soil Stabilization and Modification Mix Design

Contact us for consultation and mix design services for soil stabilization to increase subgrade strength as part of your design pavement section or to treat soft, wet soils to modify their strength and compaction characteristics with use of cement, flyash, lime kiln dust and lime additives.


Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) Mix Design

Specialize in pavement rehabilitation scenarios that included full depth treatments of existing pavement, base and subgrade requiring mix design. Ascertain mixing requirements, moisture content, treatment rate and determine target values for strength and density of materials stabilized with cement, flyash or emulsified asphalt.


Cold In Place Recycle (CIR) Mix Design

Emulsion or Foamed Asphalt

Pavement rehabilitation using emulsion or foamed asphalt

combined with pulverized bituminous material to rehabilitate

pavement and provide a stabilized base for new Hot Mix Asphalt

or Surface treatment.  Mix design provides gradation target;

optimum treatment rate; moisture content, compaction control.  

Foamed Asphalt half-life and foamant water; abrasion resistance.


Schedule of Services and Fees

Laboratory testing is conducted in conjunction with our geotechnical exploration programs and construction material testing.  MSET also provides subcontract testing for clients in need of services listed.  Contact us for project specific fees or tests not listed.

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